> What it does under jessie:
      >   (1) and (3) still work. (2) does not. I have never seen any mail to 
root but
      >   the people who maintain smtp.ecn.purdue.edu claim that mail to root 
on my
      >   machines gets sent to root@empty.

                                    ^^^^^^^ meaning precisely?
      (ie using quotes if necessary).

   I'd have to get back to you on this. I had asked this question of our
   sysadmins and they gave me the above answer. I'll ask them for a more precise

Here is their reply:

It was literally "root@empty", according to the mail server logs. The 
mail servers could not resolve "empty" as a host name and rejected the 

    Jeff (http://engineering.purdue.edu/~qobi)

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