On 8/19/2016 9:42 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

So one of Richard's two has to be connected., AT LEAST FOR SOME OF THE
TIME.  ;-)


I physically have two other machines on my desk which I could
serve nicely to connect to the internet. Connecting either of the
T43 or R61 ha NEVER been considered ;)

OK.  I misunderstood.  I thought you were saying that you only had those two
machines, but you don't seem actually to have said it.  Mea culpa.  So you
connect to teh internet how and when?  You imply here that oyu odn't use
either of thsoe other two machines.  At the local library?  (I am not being
facetious - that is definitely possible.)  But you have got an ISP.  ISTR you
settled on what I think (and I may have it wrong) you (plural) call a limited
cell-phone connection.  (I don't understand all the terminology, but I think
you settled on a limited connection of the same type as what we call 4G and

Are conflating several of my projects.

A little over a year ago I was investigating how to replace my dialup connection which was being terminated by my then ISP. My current ISP is now T-Mobile as I purchase one of their Z915's described as "4G LTE Hotspot". I've disabled the "WiFi Hotspot" feature and use it essentially as a modem.

This thread is a side issue to a project about configuring Debian Jessie "My Way". To support the multiple re-installations of Debian I have been creating preseed.cfg and various scripts on my WinXP machine. Those files would be written to a flash drive which would then be used on the next iteration of my Debian install. I got tired of sneakernet and decided to connect the two laptops with 36" of Cat6 cable.

People keep presuming me to be normal and/or typical. Relatives
gave up that idea eons ago.

Whatever gives you the idea that anyone presumes anything of the sort?  And
what, pray, on this list, is "normal and typical"???  ;-)



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