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On 2016-08-25 07:39, Kushal Kumaran wrote:

> Looks like you have a local (broken) perl installation in
> /usr/local that is interfering with the
> /usr/bin/deb-systemd-helper.
> deb-systemd-helper has a shebang line of #!/usr/bin/env perl, which
> is picking up the first perl available in $PATH, which is 
> /usr/local/bin/perl in your case.
> Remove /usr/local/bin from your PATH and try again.  If you have
> the PERLLIB or PERL5LIB environment variables set, unset them as
> well.
> # export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin

Did that.

> # unset PERLLIB # unset PERL5LIB

Neither of these variables existed, but I unset them anyway.

Running apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade still produces the same
error messages quoted in my original post.

It seems that the downloaded packages are not unpacked or installed.
The first package in the list to be unpacked is apt; it seems to be
the one which causes the error messages. Since this package cannot be
unpacked the whole process is aborted -- none of them is unpacked or

On the other hand the DE now appears to be stable.  Shutdown however
does not seem to work.  Selecting turning off the computer from the DE
closes the DE and opens tty1 which is ready for a login.  Logging in
as root and running "shutdown now" has no effect.  I have to shut down
by holding the start button down for four seconds.

Another thing I find strange -- after booting and opening my user only
tty1 and tty7 are available.  Tty2 through tty6 do not exist.

Regards, Ken

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