On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 12:04 AM Perry E. Metzger <pe...@piermont.com>

> According to:
> https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2016-5696
> Wheezy and Jessie are still vulnerable. The attack in question is
> kind of bad (it allows blind injection of arbitrary data into
> things like http downloads) and has been known for a few weeks now to
> the general public.
> Any idea out there when updates to the kernels in question will be
> released?
I could have sworn I saw a fix for this sometime last week, as I would only
have become aware of it when the security advisory was published. I built a
new kernel based on 4.7 for my non-debian boxes last weekend, and assumed
the regular updates would take care of Debian. I've long since deleted the
email of course, but I am not sure how I would have even known there was an
issue unless there had been one of the usual mails saying "this issue is
fixed in...". But I agree that is not how the CVE item you linked to makes
it look. Could there be a duplicate, with all the updates on the other one?


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