On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 02:49:05PM -0400, Alan McConnell wrote:
On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 09:16:00AM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
I have Jessie installed on a desktop and a laptop. They both take about
105-110 seconds to boot. Squeeze on the desktop takes ~15 seconds to boot.
          My jessie install also takes a long time to boot.  A lot of it
          is because of attempts to start/stop/do something with
          COMRESET.  Eventually, after a minute, the boot process 'gives

          What is COMRESET?  What does it do? can I get rid of these

A quick search of the internet leads me to https://askubuntu.com/questions/174137/should-i-be-concerned-about-comreset-errors-with-my-ssd which suggests that COMRESET is the kernel RESETing COMmunications with an ata device (a hard disk). If you have one message, such as the linked poster had, then it's probably not a problem. If you see a lot of them, then you may have a bad cable (or a bad hard disk, or a bad disk controller).

TIA for anticipated information/help.

Alan McConnell

Alan McConnell :  http://globaltap.com/~alan/
     Memory says, "I did that."  Pride replies, "I could not have
     done that."  Eventually, Memory yields.(Friederich Nietzsche)

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