On Thu, 8 Sep 2016 22:26:59 +0300
Jarle Aase <j...@jgaa.com> wrote:

> I want to set up a few servers at home. Unfortunately, as I live in 
> Bulgaria at the moment, the electric power is gone pretty often for 
> longer periods than my UPS'es can deal with. So my servers will have to 
> be started at least a few times every quarter.
> Another challenge with living in Bulgaria is that there is no law or 
> order. The Police is just a branch of the Mafia. I need to protect the 
> data on the servers with full disk encryption in case they are stolen.
> That means that I need to reboot the servers relatively often, and 
> provide the luks passwords every time. Some times I am far away when 
> this happens. I have been considering Supermicro motherboards with built 
> in support for remote management - or old KVM IP switches from Ebay. The 
> problem with Supermicro is that it's expensive and difficult to get the 
> RAM required for their recent Skylake boards. The problem with Ebay is 
> that few suppliers ships to Bulgaria, and getting anything trough the 
> custom's here takes a whole day. Then there is the question if the 
> device works at all...
> So I'm thinking about serial consoles. My gateway router will reboot 
> after an outage, and it can act as a VPN endpoint. So I can access IP 
> devices. With a rasberry pi and some relays, I can probably trigger a 
> cold reboot whenever I need to. If I could log on to the grub console on 
> the servers over a serial link, that's all I need, really.
> Does anyone here have any experience with remote control with Debian 
> boxes over serial? Will it work reliable?

Generally speaking....

I haven't used a serial console on Debian in particular. I do it on a 
Linux-based system I maintain; serial console works very well, provided you 
remember the main differences: it's not a VESA console, it doesn't know about 
CTRL-ALT-DEL, and you may see no output until grub starts (unless the 
BIOS/firmware can do serial console). The system's terminal type may not match 
the emulator's type and the display may be somewhat garbled; the use of serial 
ports for interactive use has declined greatly over the years, as has 
conformance to serial terminal protocols. Also, a <BREAK> starts SysRq.

I suspect grub should work with a serial console; I've never tried it with the 
new grub. I wrote a 6-line patch for grub legacy (which I use for my system) 
that allows one to use either VESA or serial console, or choose one with a 
keystroke. I've been using it for 3-4 years now without trouble.

To tell linux to use a serial console, connect a terminal (or emulator) to 
ttyS0 (COMa) on the server and set it to 115200-8-N-1, let grub start, then 
edit the boot entry and add the option "console=ttys0,115200" to the kernel 
command line, and boot. 

Your main problem will be operating the servers' reset switches should it be 
necessary. I think this is usually done by having the DCD, DSR, RI, or CTS line 
of the TIA-232 port close-then-open a relay that acts as the reset switch. (But 
your idea of using an rPI would work, too.)

Of course, the encryption key reader has to work on a serial port as well.

What would be interesting is if there were a 'VGA scanner' for the rPI so it 
could send you the screen changes, say, ten times a second. (And there are some 
USB devices that may work.) And if the rPI had a client USB port (so it could 
act like a keyboard) you would be able to see the 'monitor' and type on the 

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