On 9/8/16, Greg Wooledge <wool...@eeg.ccf.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 08, 2016 at 06:08:04PM +0100, David wrote:
>> I am working with a Raspberry PI running Jessie and I'm not happy about
>> the solutions I found to change it from DHCP to a fixed IP address.
>> Can I go back to the old method of editing /etc/network/interfaces
> If it's Debian Jessie, then yes, you can edit /etc/network/interfaces.
> Change the line that says something like "iface eth0 inet dhcp" to
> "iface eth0 inet static", and add indented lines below that for the
> address, netmask and gateway.  Then configure your /etc/resolv.conf
> file to point to some valid nameservers.
> If it's Raspbian Jessie, which is not the same as Debian Jessie, then
> all bets are off.

This is too cool. The whole deal with my... battling Wi-Fi and
Bluetooth right now just paid off again. Yesterday I learned something
appropriate for this that.. *DISCLAIMER*... may or may not be true.

What I read out on the Net said that, if you have two or more similar
entries in /etc/network/interfaces, you only declare "gateway" _one
time_ or you run into problems.** Rightly or wrongly, I currently
presume that declaration would be made in the first (top) block
(module) of declarations.

Additionally I'm not experienced enough at this to know if there are
instances where that declaration would be a different [number]. If
that situation exists, I could see that being an instance where you
WOULD make two declarations because they don't clash and would be
necessary declarations.

My purpose in jumping in here is to help prevent someone from hitting
unnecessary hair pulling roadblocks in the event anyone goes playing
around with these settings while they're being discussed. And again,
that may or may *not* be true, but it does sound reasonable enough to
share out loud.. :)

You know what, though, I did have two entries in there the other day.
And I found that tip because I was getting the "RTNETLINK answers:
File exists" error that led to that tip (k/t Raspberry Pi @
StackExchange). My firsthand experience is that tip leans towards
being true because I eliminated ALL my homespun entries and am now no
longer receiving *that* particular error message. *grin*


Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with duct tape *

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