On 09/08/2016 01:54 PM, Brian wrote:
On Thu 08 Sep 2016 at 09:30:54 -0500, Mark Allums wrote:

On 09/07/2016 05:23 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:

Maybe this is related to libns3 that someone mention, but we have to get
it from unstable? On wheezy, how?


Cheers, Gene Heskett

Installing libnss3 from sid/unstable solved the problem of web sites
unavailable with a security-related error message for me.

As you say "My problem is not YouTube, that was just an example."

An example of what? A relationship between a "next" button not working
with PayPal and video viewing? Have we left the world of Flash?

Maybe you could post the URLs of two or three web sites which are now
available to you without security-related error messages which you had
trouble with before. Jessie users would be interested whether they too
have to install libnss3 from unstable.

[Good technical advice snipped].

It's not flash.  YouTube doesn't use Flash by default anymore.

One other example is:


Mark Allums

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