This one should be _real_ easy!

Two days ago, my hard drive on my (now) discarded computer gave up the ghost.
After consideration, and advice from friends, I went out to Staples and bought
a Dell, with <sob> Windoze installed.  I hooked up everything and Windoze boots
OK, my sound works, etc.

This morning I installed Jessie, and this time the install went well.  I could
put in partitions for / , /usr/, /boot, /var, /tmp, and put in a big swap
partition.  When I rebooted at the end of the install, I got my Windows again, 
pleased me, since I'd left it in, giving it 50 gig of my terabyte drive.

But I don't know how to get my new Jessie to boot!  Back when I had one of my
first Linuxes and MS-DOS on my system, one got a prompt: "L or M" as soon as
one turned on the computer.  Things are now more subtle I'm sure, and they are
too subtle for me!

So can someone who also has a dual-bootable system(with Windows 10 and Jessie)
please tell me how you choose, at boot-time, which of your systems you wish to


Alan McConnell

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