It's a long story, but I need to install a fresh-out-of-the-box Debian amd64 Lenny system.

I found which has installer images for old Debian releases, including Lenny. The README file says I need to use
    deb lenny main contrib
for the sources.list entry.

This works OK when I boot a l"live" cd, though it complains about the repo keys being expired and requires me to type "Yes" if I want to ignore that and install packages anyway.

So my first question is: Is there something I can do in apt preferences somewhere that will make it accept the expired keys by default?

After some experimentation with my "live" system, I decided that I really needed a fully installed system that didn't loose all my configuration stuff on reboots.

So I downloaded a "netinst" CD and tried to install using it. Of course, I had to give it the archive repo URL manually (netinst isn't really happy without a network repo). It accepted that but then it appeared to hang. Looking at the <ALT>-F4 screen revealed that it was asking the same question about whether I wanted to accept the expired repo keys, but this time there was no way to give it the required "Yes" answer. Or at least no way that I could see.

So my second question is: Does anybody know how to give it the necessary answer? Or, failing that somehing I can do in the <ALT>-F2 screen that will prevent it from asking?

Thanks! in advance,


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