On 09/21/2016 11:20 AM, Thomas Schmitt wrote:

Anthony Baldwin wrote:
giving the full path in the rc.xml doesn't seem to make
any difference.

Are you sure openbox is aware of the change ?
(Did you restart it ? Does it react immediately on newly added
 key combinations ?)

Normally, yes, OBx would, indeed reload, the configurations in its rc.xml file upon a --restart and immediately implement any changes.

Yes, the $PATH is set in my .bashrc...
Wait.. Is this why I can start them in a terminal, but openbox can't?


It depends on when and by what entity the openbox window manager was
started and whether it uses PATH to find commands.
If the starter was some kind of shell, then it probably has forwarded
its own PATH variable to openbox. If it was something more fancy, then
behavior depends on the mood of its developers.

You could put a script into /usr/bin (where it will be found, i hope),
let it print the PATH to a file, bind it to a key combination, and
look what it writes into the file:
  echo "$PATH" >/tmp/my_openbox_test_for_PATH

But if PATH was to blame, then an absolute program path should have
helped. If it came into effect, that is.

So it's not likely a path problem it seems..


Have a nice day :)


translations, localization,
multilingual web development

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