On Sat, 24 Sep 2016, Lisi Reisz wrote:

My husband has just asked to do this.  His system is vanilla from this point
of view.  (Mine is in a mess, with a messed-up scim and no foreign
fonts "working", but that is another story.)

Advice please on the best way to achieve this for him.  I.e., what do those of
you doing this or similar find works comfortably.

This is what I use in my /etc/default/keyboard file:

   $ grep '^[^#]' /etc/default/keyboard

The "ru" portion of the XKBLAYOUT value, and the "grp:caps_toggle"
setting in XKBOPTIONS are the relevant parts for your purposes.

It makes capslock a toggle between en_US, russian, and syrian arabic
keyboard layout.

The usual capslock function is still available via Shift+Capslock.

I'll be interested to see other responses.

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