Am 01.10.2016 um 14:51 schrieb Mark Fletcher:
On Sat, Oct 01, 2016 at 02:33:27PM +0200, mo wrote:

I sure appreciate to know the inner workings of it all :)
Good to know how avahi is involved here, this paints me a clearer picture :)

I just want to correct one thing I said here, having read your other
posts. In one of them you mentioned you have static routing mappings set
up for your network machines in /etc/hosts. That is a perfectly valid
setup, albeit it is not the default "Debian way" (by which I mean only
that it is not how Debian comes configured out of the box, or more
accurately out of the .iso) and not how I do it. What a pain if you buy
a new computer to add to your network! But absolutely nothing invalid
about it.

Well i'm using the static network config since quite some time, but i had planned to change over to DHCP... But for now it works ;) (The work is not so hard, adding a machine to the network is done quickly with Debian ;) - My other machines use different Operating Systems, got FreeBSD and OpenBSD here to on the LAN, works like a charm :) )

In this case, Avahi is probably *not* involved because exim4 gets an
answer to the question of what IP the host name maps to, without having
to consult it. But it *would be* involved if you did not have static
mappings set up in /etc/hosts.

Good to know ;)


Thanks Mark ;)



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