On 10/02/2016 05:59 PM, Hans Kraus wrote:
> I upgraded my Debian server about a week ago from Wheezy to Jessie.
> After that the GUI stopped,

This is a bit vague, so a better explanation would be good. What
exactly do you mean "gui stopped"? Did that happen during the
update? Or at boot? Does the login screen show up? Does this
message show up after login?

> I see only  the grey screen with the sad
> computer telling me " Oh no, Something is Wrong" and the only option is
> to log out.

Could you transcribe the precise error message?

> I installed the package again with:
> apt-get install task-gnome-desktop
> I did not get any error message, but that didn't cure my problem.
> Afterwards I tried: "dpkg --configure -a". Again, I didn't get any
> error message but  that didn't cure my problem.

That means your packages are in a state that dpkg assumes to be
consistent. However, since you upgraded recently, and apparently
still have access to your shell, could you tell us what the
contents of /etc/apt/sources.list is?


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