On Sun 02 Oct 2016 at 17:59:48 +0200, Hans Kraus wrote:

> I upgraded my Debian server about a week ago from Wheezy to Jessie.
> After that the GUI stopped, I see only  the grey screen with the sad
> computer telling me " Oh no, Something is Wrong" and the only option is
> to log out.
> I'm using Gnome as my desktop. I installed the package again with:
> apt-get install task-gnome-desktop
> I did not get any error message, but that didn't cure my problem.
> Afterwards I tried: "dpkg --configure -a". Again, I didn't get any
> error message but  that didn't cure my problem.
> I rebooted the system several times but with no avail.
> Which info should I provide and/or where should I check my system for
> errors? The text based login via ssh (I use Putty from Win 8.1)
> functions without problems.

Difficult this. It doesn't look hardware related because X comes up and
you get what is known as the "fail whale" (and a most informative and
helpful message :) ).

Also difficult because what you had personally configured on Wheezy is
unknown. So we'll try a thing or two. No guarantees.

Disable logging in with gdm3 with

  systemctl set-default multi-user.target

You can reverse this with

  systemctl set-default graphical.target

Make sure you have xinit installed ('dpkg -l xinit') and reboot. Log in
and run 'startx'. Over to you.



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