I have a little business card website up for my big brother's media consulting side-business at http://playomatic.myownsite.me. Now, at the moment, if I try to load it in Google-Chrome-Stable, I'm getting redirected to a yahoo! search for "create web",
If I try to load it in the floss chromium, I get a spammy landing page,
But in all of Iceweasel, lynx, w3m, elinks it loads fine, and nothing has changed on my server (no redirect added to my vhost by an intruder or any such thing), also neither ping nor traceroute seem to indicate anything untoward or fishy.
The only thing I haven't tried is Epiphany, Konqueror, Safari, or IE.
Oddly, it seems to work fine in chrome on my android phone, though.

How can I determine what's interfering with this page loading in some browsers, and not others? or what's redirecting my traffic, and how I can stop it or prevent future re-occurrence?


all tony, all the time

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