Daniel Pocock wrote:

> On 24/10/16 13:05, Daniel Pocock wrote:
>> There have been various discussions in here and in some derivative
>> projects like Ubuntu about choosing and using password managers,
>> especially the way to sync their password lists across multiple devices.
>> Given the way we do things in Debian it is important not to depend on a
>> service like Dropbox to sync the password files.
>> Therefore, how are people choosing a password manager and solving this
>> in practice?
>> - which password managers have a built-in mechanism for synchronizing or
>> merging password lists on multiple devices?
>> - who is using some other mechanism such as Git or ownCloud to sync?
>> I've made a list of some of the password managers in Debian:
>> https://packages.qa.debian.org/a/assword.html
>> https://packages.qa.debian.org/p/password-gorilla.html
>> https://packages.qa.debian.org/p/password-store.html
>> https://packages.qa.debian.org/r/revelation.html
>> https://packages.qa.debian.org/k/keepass2.html
>> https://packages.qa.debian.org/k/keepassx.html
>> https://packages.qa.debian.org/k/kedpm.html
>> https://packages.qa.debian.org/f/fpm2.html
>> https://packages.qa.debian.org/c/cpm.html
>> https://packages.qa.debian.org/p/passwordsafe.html
>> There are quite a few and so it is hard for somebody to know the best
>> place to start, maybe a comparison table in the wiki will be needed.
> Wiki now created:
> https://wiki.debian.org/PasswordManagement
>> Some other factors that come to mind for a comparison table:
>> - support for PGP
>> - support for other strong crypto (e.g. smartcard)
>> - merging algorithm for multiple devices
>> - multi-user / team capabilities
>> - browser integration
>> I notice that Tails chose to include KeePassX, although there is some
>> uncertainty how it was selected:
>> https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/9231
>> Can anybody comment on its history there?

What about the wallet? In KDE4 and former KDE3 now Trinity Desktop we use
the kwallet now tdewallet to store the passwords. I know gnome has also
one, but I don't know it's name. I think each desktop has or should have a
kind of integrated password manager. It is worth mentioning this.



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