I suspect an appropriate response would be being pointed an *atypical* tutorial. A Google search for "bash tutorial pipe redirect" [w/o quotes] gave results for "normal" users. I have and odd use case. I had assumed bash as shell but am open to using another shell if it is more appropriate.

The following, though using bash syntax, should be considered *PSEUDO* code.

# stdout and stderr will be a MATE terminal window
# this was required to address a problem outside scope of this post
gsettings set org.mate.media-handling automount false

while true
    echo "Insert medium, press Enter key (or Ctrl+C to end)"
    read dummyvar
# need code here for /dev/sr0 to be "ready" - I had been watching drive activity light
    blocks=$(expr $(/sbin/isosize /dev/sr0) / 2048)
    echo "Block count: "$blocks               ;# to stdout AND "logfile"
echo "Byte count: $(expr $blocks '*' 2048)" ;# to stdout AND "logfile"
    DEVICEBLKCOUNT=$(expr $(cat /sys/class/block/sr0/size) / 4)
echo "Device block count: "$DEVICEBLKCOUNT ;# to stdout AND "logfile"
    echo ""                                   ;# to stdout AND "logfile"
    echo "*********************"              ;# to stdout ONLY
echo "The output file will be $FILENAME" ;# to stdout AND "logfile" xorriso -indev /dev/sr0 -data_cache_size 512 1024 -check_media data_to=$FILENAME
    echo ""                                   ;# to stdout AND "logfile"
echo "next lines are output of ls and isosize commands" ;# to stdout ONLY
    ls -l $FILENAME                             ;# to stdout AND "logfile"
    /sbin/isosize $FILENAME                     ;# to stdout AND "logfile"
    echo "about to repeat loop"                       ;# to stdout ONLY
    echo ""                                   ;# to stdout AND "logfile"

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