Harry Putnam <rea...@newsguy.com> writes:

> Joe Pfeiffer <pfeif...@cs.nmsu.edu> writes:
>> Any particular reason you need that particular version?  Could you
>> upgrade your virtualbox VM to a different kernel and use the headers
>> for that kernel (or if I'm misremembering which kernel requires the
>> headers, upgrade the host machine kernel)?
> I'm not sure about what you say there.  I'm not particularly
> knowledgable about this but far as I can tell The guest addtions
> require the guest OS's kernel headers to compile certain
> modules... without them... no guest additions.

Just tried it, so I could be sure I was giving good advice...

I'm suggesting you go into your package manager in the guest machine (I
use aptitude, but that shouldn't matter) and do an upgrade to the
current versions of everything (this will include the current kernel).
Once you've done that, you should be able to install
virtualbox-guest-utils (also inside the package manager); this should
pull in everything needed to run the guest additions including the
headers for the now-current kernel.

> I already tried to upgrade the kernel on the guest OS to one with
> headers available with apt-get.... but got into some trouble ending
> with an non-bootable mess...

You don't want to do it like that -- simply upgrading everything should
upgrade to the current version.

> I'd rather leave the kernel building etc to someone who better knows
> what they are doing.  It's said to be easily done....(Updating a
> kernel) but my experience is a little different.  Or I'm just a little
> dimmer than the average bear.

No kernel building is needed for this.

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