On 10/26/2016 8:48 PM, Paul Wise wrote:
On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 9:12 AM, Thomas Ross wrote:

Well, The files still exist but they are just not in the same spot as
they were before. The links on the wiki will still need to be updated.

All done. I've added links to some more of kevix's images.

Anyone know of any other Debian diagrams we could add to the page?

A related question:
How would anyone discover https://wiki.debian.org/Diagrams if broken links on it had not been reported? I just browsed a half dozen of its links. Very informative. Later I will take a look at all of the links.

In the meantime, while chasing down an apparently temporary "timeout error", I discovered: 1. https://validator.w3.org reports 2 errors for https://wiki.debian.org/Diagrams
  2. line 143 is 5516 characters long.
  3. Running the page thru HTML Tidy
     A. Does not attempt to fix one of the errors.
B. Reduces max line length significantly which I would suspect make future
        maintenance simpler. YMMV ;/

Thank you and keep up the good work.

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