Be aware sir that you are the cause of:
multiple renditions of the "Alleluia Chorus" [courtesy Handle] at > 10^^Bels an "innocent"[snicker] senior citizen is about to have many sleepless nights
   multiple nay-sayers will suffer "EGG ON FACE"  *ROFL* !!!!!

On 10/28/2016 2:30 PM, Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote:
Did you take a look at the package pmount?
I use it to mount external disks.
It requires no changes to /etc/fstab.

Just in case you have not perceived this quiet discrete message:
  I have not come across pmount before
The links I've found so far suggest the original author(s) were thinking of *ME*!

In case you haven't got "the drift",
I currently suspect this will be the key to resolving MULTIPLE purportedly unrelated conundrums :> *YMMV*

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