There seems to be no plain ffmpeg in the jessie repos.

........Terminal output quote........

$ aptitude search ffmpeg
p cmus-plugin-ffmpeg - lightweight ncurses audio player (FFmpeg plugin) p ffmpeg2theora - Theora video encoder using ffmpeg p ffmpegthumbnailer - fast and lightweight video thumbnailer p ffmpegthumbnailer-dbg - debugging informations for ffmpegthumbnailer p ffmpegthumbs - video thumbnail generator using ffmpeg p gmerlin-encoders-ffmpeg - ffmpeg encoders for Gmerlin p libffmpegthumbnailer-dev - development files for ffmpegthumbnailer p libffmpegthumbnailer4 - shared library for ffmpegthumbnailer p libtaoframework-ffmpeg-cil-dev - Tao CLI binding for FFmpeg - development files p libtaoframework-ffmpeg0.4-cil - Tao CLI binding for FFmpeg p libxine2-ffmpeg - MPEG-related plugins for libxine2


Perhaps I should just grab the upstream pkg ,directly and compile/install however necessary?

I have a .webmd file from which I'd like to extract audio and write it to an .ogg or .flac file, but I'm a little lost without my old friend .ffmpeg

Any suggestions will be appreciated.
I did the requisite googling, and all I find for what I want to do are instructions for how to do it in Ubuntu with ffmpeg.

all tony, all the time

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