On 11/4/2016 7:54 PM, John L. Ries wrote:
Any chance the current directory is not in your path?

That's not a mere 'scary' thought,
it is a *TERRIFYING* thought :<

"Why?" you may ask.
" 'cause it implies an intrinsic failure of *nix documentation."

As a computer *USER* I predate CPM80.
I've always assumed that 'cd xyz' implicitly implied that xyz now implicitly implied that {xyz} was not only the "Current Working Directory" but in default path.

After my post, but before your reply, I had tried
  echo $PATH
result was not encouraging :<

I now suspect not only "operator error" but "operator ignorance" ;<
What should I "be reading"/"have read" ?

P.S. a few hours ago a similar script had executed as I naively expected ;/

On 11/4/16 6:51 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:
Today I've been having weird problems executing scripts.
As I have no valuable data on the partition containing Debian, I wiped
it and did a fresh install of Debian Jessie (8.6.0) MATE desktop
environment from a purchased set of DVDs. Earlier today I had had
reason to create an *,iso of DVD1 of 13 using xorriso. The ISO had a
MD5SUM matching the one at debian.org .

More than a half-century of trouble shooting *screams* 'operator
error' ;[
But what????? [Caja reports the execute bit is set ;]

Cut-n-paste from MATE terminal:
root@full-jessier:~# #!/bin/bash -x
root@full-jessier:~# cd /media/root/myrepo
root@full-jessier:/media/root/myrepo# RCO
bash: RCO: command not found
root@full-jessier:/media/root/myrepo# ls
lost+found  new file  RCO  x2  xtract2 (copy)

The content of RCO [with Linux line endings] is:

echo ""
while true
     read -p "press Enter (Ctrl+C to exit)" dummyvar
     let N=N+1
     echo $FILENAME
     echo ""
     echo "*********************"

Assistance appreciated.

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