On 11/08/2016 11:04 AM, Tony Baldwin wrote:
Yesterday, I was listening to music with mocp, and watching videos on YT
Without issue, and today, for no apparent reason, I've lost all sound.
I can't hear modp, smplayer, vlc, youtube, nothing.
I checked alsamixer and pavucontrol, nothing is muted.

Someone is going to ask, so:
yes, the speakers are plugged in and appropriately powered.
I am right now listening to music from my phone using the same speakers, plugged into the phone. They were plugged into the mobo's onboard audio before I unplugged them from there and plugged them into my phone.
Nothing has changed on the hardware since I was last listening to sound.
I haven't made any relevant/significant software changes either.
I've also tried to plu some earbuds into the on-board audio, and can't hear anything through those, either. so the problem can't be the speakers.

What happened?


translations, localization,
multilingual web development

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