> On Nov 11, 2016, at 3:31 PM, Greg Wooledge <wool...@eeg.ccf.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 02:47:48PM -0700, Glenn English wrote:
>>> On Nov 11, 2016, at 1:52 PM, Greg Wooledge <wool...@eeg.ccf.org> wrote:
>>> So... what are you actually trying to do?  Be very specific.
>> Well, I'd like the domain name to be the same everywhere. hostname -f
> hostname -f is totally useless.  Why do people even KNOW about it, let
> alone use it? :(
> wooledg@wooledg:~$ hostname
> wooledg
> wooledg@wooledg:~$ hostname -f
> wooledg

I claim you've got the same problem I do :-)

I looked at bit at hostname -f. It goes through a few levels (of .sh, it looks 
like) and finally asks something in a C library. So if hostname -f is giving 
bad data, the shell just doesn't have the right info.

> Including a domain name in that output is ridiculous if all of your
> systems are used within the same organization.

Maybe. But mine aren't. They've been in slsware.net, .dmz, and .lan.

> This is a DNS registrat thing.  It has nothing to do with Debian

OK. Then it's not what I'm looking for. I'm pretty sure what I need very much 
has to do with Debian.

> If your computer has a preferred fully qualified domain name, then you
> can put it in there.  Debian puts the computer's own hostname (with or
> without an attached domain name) on the IP, thus:
>     localhost
>     wooledg

Just did that. Didn't work. Is a reboot required? (This thing takes a long time 
to reboot.)

> host(1) is indeed one of the many commands that can look up a name in
> DNS.  

host www.slsware.org gets the right IP. (localhost; there's no DNS info on the 
'Net about this server yet.)

From an alien domain, running that command, specifying my DNS with an IP, works 

> As I said before, if you don't specify a fully qualifed domain
> name, then the "search" line(s) in /etc/resolv.conf will tell the
> resolver which domain names to slap onto the end of the hostname before
> looking it up.
> wooledg@wooledg:~$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
> search eeg.ccf.org
> nameserver
> nameserver
> nameserver
> wooledg@wooledg:~$ host wooledg
> wooledg.eeg.ccf.org has address

Says 'Host slsware not found' here. (Still no reboot.)

> Thus, you need to be looking at your DNS setup with your domain registrar.

Don't need to. I do my own.

> That should be your top priority.

I read that and ran and configured DNS. Nobody cares, AFAICT.

> All that matters is what's in DNS.

I hear you. But it's a nagging piece of config that the kernel doesn't know its 
name. It exists for a reason, and it's built in to the kernel for something. It 
may well be something hanging over from 1975 -- if so, I'd like to know for 
sure, one way or the other.

> Set the local hostname to something that will help you remember which
> machine you're logged into.  That's all.

That's already done. Setting the host's name is easy. It's the domain that's 
making me crazy.

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