On 11/12/2016 10:09 AM, Robert Menes wrote:
> My current desktop setup currently has a Debian installation on a 120GB
> SSD, which
> is mounted with both the EFI system partition and as / for my rig. I have a
> which I had mounted as /home during install.
> As my desktop case still has enough space in it, I was contemplating
> getting another
> pair of 3TB (or maybe even 4TB!) HDDs, and have them be symlinked or hard
> linked
> (whichever works better) to my ~/Music and ~/Videos folders. This setup is
> currently
> has only one user on it (my account, aside from root). I want to do this so
> that I have
> more space for my media, functioning as a backup for a NAS and for keeping
> larger
> project files for any audio and video work I do.
> My question is this: which is the better path to take? Symlinking or hard
> linking another
> drive to ~/Music and ~/Videos? I understand that I will need to edit
> /etc/fstab and all;
> that's fine. Just curious as to whether symlinks or hard links are the way
> to go.

I mount my drives under /mnt/drivename and symlink into those.  In my
file server, I bind mount subdirectories under /var/local and
/var/cache.  I mount Samba client shares under /mnt/sharename and
/home/username/sharename, and symlink into those.


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