Le 13/11/2016 à 01:19, deloptes a écrit :

Yes, it is not working

How is it not working ? What do you do and what happens ?

From one computer ip 10..6 I can ssh to 10..7 and vv.

That does not concern the firewall between the modem and the LAN.

I also see that iptables forwards to the output, but in the output nothing

This does not make any sense. Iptables does not forward anything. It just accepts, drops or mangles packets.

Yes I forgot to mention that I can connect from 192..NN to the modem ip via
ssh lets say 10..200.

Huh ? What are these addresses ? The source, the destination ?

It would be much simple if you provided the output of iptables-save so we can see your ruleset.

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