On Seg, 21 Nov 2016, Lisi Reisz wrote:
The most frustrating thing about this whole thread, which I had been saving
because I have a SANE problem (more later), and SANE problems are often to do
with permissions, is that it has nothing *whatsoever* to do with SANE. :-(

It is about file permissions or USB key file permissions.  It is *not* about
SANE. :-((

Well, when the OP writes "sane" he does not mean sane the program, but rather that he wants reasonable or rational file permissions (see https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/sane#Adjective ).

It's true that the subject could also be interpreted as "Coercing the permissions of files used by [the program] sane", but nevertheless what he wrote is perfectly correct, so don't berate him for that.


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