On 2016-11-28 at 01:10, Charlie wrote:

> On Mon, 28 Nov 2016 00:19:38 -0500 The Wanderer sent:
> <snip>
>> I have - different from your own:
>>> $ apt-cache policy libavutil55
>>> libavutil55:
>>>   Installed: 10:3.1.2-dmo2
>>>   Candidate: 10:3.1.2-dmo2
>>>   Version table:
>>>  *** 10:3.1.2-dmo2 100
>>>         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
>>>      7:3.2-2 500
>>>         500 http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian stretch/main amd64
>>> Packages  
>> This is almost certainly your problem. The version of libavutil which
>> you have is from a different source, with a higher epoch version but a
>> lower upstream version, and is no longer available from your selected
>> repositories. In particular, it is not the same version as your other
>> libav* libraries (as the snipped version information for libavformat
>> indicates), and that mismatch is probably the source of the problem.
>> Do you have any idea how this mismatched package version may have come
>> about?
>> I recommend that you explicitly install the "lower" version listed
>> here (7:3.2-2), and see if your problem goes away.
>> I don't know what tools you normally use for package installation and
>> upgrade, but I would do that with the following command (in a root
>> terminal):
>> apt-get install libavutil55=7:3.2-2
>       After contemplation, my reply is:
> I'm on a different machine now, at a different place when sending this.
> I only ever use apt-get for updates, upgrades, installs and purges.
> But before I left that machine I attempted your excellent suggestion
> and received this error message:
> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
>  libswresample2 : Depends: libavutil55 (>= 10:3.1.2) but 7:3.2-2 is to
> be installed
> E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be
> caused by held packages.
> I assume that I might have missed a bug report on a update/upgrade? So
> I will just have to purge libswresample2, and libavutil55 (>= 10:3.1.2)

Actually, it looks like libswresample2 has the same problem: the
installed version has a higher epoch but lower actual version.

My best guess is that at some point, you installed some package from a
different repository, which depended on these higher-epoch package
versions, and thus got them upgraded without upgrading the rest of your
libav* package ecosystem.

I would just add libswresample2 to your explicit-version install
command, and see what result you get. It may give further
unmet-dependencies errors; if you pursue the cascade far enough (I'd
advise checking each new package with 'apt-cache policy' to see
available versions before proceeding), you may be able to identify the
package(s) which depend or depended on the higher-epoch libav* packages
to begin with.

(Purging the libav* packages will probably result in trying to uninstall
various packages which depend on them, possibly including quite a few
things you may actually want. Although you could always do that and
reinstall the appropriate packages afterwards, "down"grading is almost
certainly the superior solution.)

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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