On 12/03/2016 03:20 PM, Brian wrote:
On Sat 03 Dec 2016 at 19:20:18 +0000, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Saturday 03 December 2016 18:09:50 Jape Person wrote:

I'm replying to myself at the top of the thread because I saw --
out of the corner of my eye -- that there were two recent
additions to the thread.

Unfortunately, a) I use POP3 and download all my mail immediately
from the server, b) my neighbor's Maine Coon cat, Mr. Potay-Toes,
just visited me and ran all 28 of his toes across my keyboard.
(Yes, he's polydactyl, and about 25 pounds at that.) Somehow he
managed a permanent deletion of all the mail I had just

These posts were made within the past 12 hours. If the kind
people who made those posts could be troubled to re-issue them
I'd appreciate it. Or, at least be aware that I'm not ignoring
your messages. I just don't have them any more.

Best, JP

You can read them in the archives:

And here is another one signed by you:

Or the thread itself:

Eminently sensible. as usual. Replete with information and guidance.
The advice cannot be faulted.

But has any thought been given to the cat's feelings? It must be
suffering terrible pangs of regret and remorse. I do not think we
should put it through any more humiliation than it has suffered
already after realising it had inadvertantly deleted one of my

Just don't let it get anywhere near apt cat /dev/zero > ...

The cat has expressed no remorse and, in fact, appears to be completely satisfied with himself. When he visits he interposes himself between me and my keyboard, countering every typing move with a ploy for physical attention.

Interestingly enough, this interference usually results in my messages containing fewer typos, probably because I have to be very deliberate in my efforts.

The creature is amazingly strong and agile, qualities which may have been enhanced by his almost continuous practice of tai cheese.

Oh well, no business shall be accomplished today.

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