Nate Homier <> writes:

> I followed the Debian wiki for Wordpress.  I got to the part about
> cat ~/wp.sql | mysql --defaults-extra-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf
> And boom, error!
> Error is; 1064 (42000) at line 1:
> you have an error in your SQL syntax
> 1 CREATE DATABASE wordpress' at line 1

It looks like you have got the line numbers with your copy-paste.  The
wiki has a button to disable showing line numbers in code snippets.  The
line numbers should not be present in the sql file.  You can remove them
by hand also, of course.

> I am running latest version of Debian 8 with all updates applied.
> Server only.  I simply copied and pasted the commands.  This is my first
> time trying to run Wordpress.
> Any ideas, I am not familiar with MySQL.


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