On Sat, Dec 10, 2016 at 04:46:19PM -0500, Karen Lewellen wrote:
> What favored Ubuntu help list?
> I stated at the outset that I use a service.  I do not administrate that
> service.

Never mind her, she's a fear biter. When you mentioned "ubuntu" her reflexes
kicked in.


Explain your setup a bit more in detail.
You say you "use a service". Is that a just a virtual server running
ubuntu? Or is this a mail server service which just happen to run on top of
And how is your contract structured? Does it include support? And if so
what kind of support?

I still think focusing on spamassassin is not helpful. Mail setup and spam
control is a concerted effort. If I setup a mail service spamassassin is
only the final sieve. By the time mail is handed to spamassassin already
90% of spam is weeded out. But this step is usually the one users even
notice because the rest of measures happen before the mail is even accepted
by the MTA.

Ask you provider if they use the right blacklists (zen.spamhaus.org and
spamcop.net is a reasonable set).
Make sure the make basic checks:
- from mail address is valid
- spf is valid for the relaying mail host or  the fqdn of the
mail address resolves to the relaying MTA.

Based on the communication requirements I even tighten access much more,
that requires however detailed knowledge of where mails will come from. If
you tighten it too much you might exclude some communication partners and
that might be bad.

Also greylisting might lower the amount of spam entering the system. In
recent two years however this became less efficient since a lot of spammers
have a full mail setup allowing them to queue the mail.

If you feel that your current provider is not helpful I can recommend two
excellent provider (both in Germany) which allow customized services based
on your needs. (hosting a mail gateway or just a number of mailboxes)

- Mailbox.org
- posteo.de

There is one here in the US which is ok
They offer similar services  


Henning Follmann           | hfollm...@itcfollmann.com

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