> Good news!  I solved the problem.  This solution came from the openSUSE 
> forums... (just giving credit where credit is due)
> As root, in the folder /etc/cron.* (where * is either daily, hourly, etc. 
> depending on how often you want the check to take place):
> 1. Create a file called autoupdate using your favorite editor (that sounds 
> like 
> a good name).
> 2. File contents:
> #! /bin/bash
> apt-get update
> apt-get upgrade -y
> apt-get autoclean
> 3. Save the file, and then make it executable:
> #chmod 755 autoupdate
> Note the "apt-get autoclean" is optional.

Well, not what yousked though.
The answer given to you (adding the user to sudo group) was the right

Anyway if you want unsupwerwised updated

apt-get install cron-apt

Would have been the right choice.


Henning Follmann           | hfollm...@itcfollmann.com

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