On 12/16/2016 3:58 AM, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:

This has the potential to kill mail (which for the Big Ones might
be a Good Thing: mail is too decentral and too hard to monetarize).

10 years ago, SPAM was told to kill eMail. Now it's the over-the-top
anti-SPAM solutions doing the same.

The difference being that in the first case there wasn't a monetary
incentive to kill mail (on the contrary, a slight incentive to not
kill it) and now there is.

There is definitely a market for a good paid email delivery service - I'm a happy customer thereof. I am not sure of how well it would scale up for a potential mass market provider.

They are a small company servicing the geographically local business community. I was a retail customer >20 years ago and enjoyed the benefits of their growth as a service provider. I avoid the so called "free" email and news-servers as they _cost_ too much.

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