On 12/24/2016 02:42 PM, Gary Roach wrote:
On 12/24/2016 10:57 AM, Tony Baldwin wrote:

On 12/24/2016 12:24 PM, Gary Roach wrote:
Hi all,

For some time, since I upgraded to Stretch, I have been having trouble
accessing help files from various program help menus. The latest is with
spyder. It pops a window with a heading of:
    Sorry - KIO Client
and a body that says:
    KDEInit could not launch '/usr/lib/iceweasel/iceweasel'

First I don't use iceweasel anymore but use Forefox-ESR.

This problem makes a large portion of my help menus useless. Can anyone
help with this. I use a KDE desktop

Gary R.

HEY Gary,

the KDEinit bit was a dead giveaway that you're using KDE, now, I
haven't used KDE in a long, long time (dedicated openbox user for same
long time), but if I had to guess, somewhere iceweasel is configured as
default to open html help files.
I just checked here, I use chrome/chromium, primarily, but have
firefox-esr for anytime those fail, and I have a /usr/bin/iceweasel, but
it is a symlink to /usr/lib/firefox-esr/firefox-esr
$ file /usr/bin/iceweasel
/usr/bin/iceweasel: symbolic link to ../lib/firefox-esr/firefox-esr
you could do the same.
cd /usr/bin
enter root passwd:
ln -s -T firefox-esr  iceweasel
And Bob's yer uncle! the problem should be solved!
see "man ln" if you need clarification  on its use (or come back to the
list if needed).

Bon chance,

Thanks for the reply Tony. I installed the simlink in /usr/bin/iceweasel
directory using ln -s -T iceweasel ../firefox-esr . The ../ was to
backup one  directory to where the firefox program is located. I also
tried it without the ../ and also put the simlink one directory level
higher. None of the combinations worked. I still bet the exact same
error. I should also point out that not all applications have the
problem. Very confusing.

Did I screw up and not send the original to list. It looks that way. Sorry.

Gary R.

I probably forgot to use "Reply List" wouldn't be the first time...
Glad you caught that "../"
But what we relly need is
ln-s -T iceweasel  ../lib/firefox-esr/firefox-esr
while in /usr/bin, because you must go up one directory then back down into lib/firefox-esr.
Sorry for misleading you on that.
You'll have to be su/root to remove the current symlink and try again, of course. It surprises me that you can't just link to the /usr/bin/firefox -esr, but then, that, too is a symlink to /usr/lib/firefox-esr/firefox/esr, and maybe you can't stack symlinks that deep?

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