On 12/31/2016 8:08 AM, Thomas Schmitt wrote:

if [ -x "/etc/init.d/thinkfan" ]; then
         update-rc.d thinkfan defaults >/dev/null
         invoke-rc.d thinkfan start || exit $?

Looks like an attempt to register and start thinkfan with the old init
system. Is this appropriate for your system ?

If you really use sysV init rather than systemd, you should check whether
there are links
pointing to file

If you use systemd, then there is the riddle why there is an executable
file /etc/init.d/thinkfan.


The script
when run with argument "start" executes

   start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /var/run/thinkfan.pid --exec 


   ps -ef | grep thinkfan

should tell whether the daemon is running or whether you have to start
it on your own (most probably as superuser).

Have a nice day :)


One of your links lead to https://sources.debian.net/src/thinkfan/0.9.3-1/debian/README.Debian/ which I think agrees with you.

One thing that continues to bother me is that thinkfan is disabled by default because an improper parameter could damage the computer. If that is true, why isn't the fan always on? The documentation I've found indicates it's original motivation was to reduce power consumption and acoustic noise. ??? ;/

More later.

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