Am 06.01.2017 21:12, schrieb Michael Biebl:

> Am 06.01.2017 um 20:17 schrieb 
>> I get now the Boot menu, but I don't see the DVD drive.
>> Any more tips for me? Since it's a bit late I will wait until tomorrow.
> If you can get into the grub menu, then go to the advanced options menu
> and select the recovery mode option.
> This will boot into a rescue shell where ifupdown is not started.
> I assume you have a dead lock in one of your if-up.d hooks in
> /etc/network/if-up.d/
> You could disable them one by one to find out which one it is.

Hi Michael, 

I'm entering the grub menu only per guess. Both monitors I tried
displayed 'out of range'
btw. something similar. Is there a failsafe recipe for keypresses after
the beep to go to
the advanced options menu? 

I'm somewhat hesitating to buy a new monitor to only cope with that

Kind regards,

PS: I connected an external BluRay drive and see this in the BIOS boot
menu. Which
image should I burn to a DVD and what options should I select for

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