Thanks folk.  You've explained what has been happening to me on my
multi-boot system, and given a solution in 1 session.

Keith Bainbridge


Sent from my APad

On 7 Jan 2017 08:48, "David Wright" <> wrote:

> On Fri 06 Jan 2017 at 11:56:01 (-0600), Richard Owlett wrote:
> > On 1/6/2017 10:48 AM, David Wright wrote:
> > >(Of course the necessity might be avoided with pre-seeding
> > >about which I know little; I've probably installed Debian
> > >fewer times than the OP has installed jessie in a day.)
> >
> > I rarely install Jessie more than twice a day ;)
> > Although I may have installed Squeeze 5 times in one day.
> I'm sorry. I was conflating "It has had as many as a half dozen clean
> installs in a single day" with "a laptop: [...] whose HD has been
> erased multiple times in ONE day [... and] has multiple installs
> of Debian, primarily classed [into three categories]. But not all
> jessie then.
> Cheers,
> David.

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