On 2017-01-07, Michael Fothergill <michael.fotherg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> --001a1145bd88af6ab6054580e973
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Dear Folks,
> I have installed the utility offlineimap which is somewhat new to me.
> I found a web site that explained how to use it in combination with emacs
> and notmuch for organising your email etc. if you have a gmail account
> which I do....
> The site kindly listed a short script that you could use with a gmail
> account.
> I used it to produce something that would work for me (I hoped).
> Here it is:
> mikef@rhinoceros:~$ more ~/.offlineimaprc
> [general]
> accounts = mikefGmail
> [Account mikefGmail]
> localrepository = Local
> remoterepository = MichaelFothergillGmail
> [Repository Local]
> type = Maildir
> localfolders = ~/Mail
> [Repository MichaelFothergillGmail]
> type = Gmail
> maxconnections=1
> remoteuser = michael.fotherg...@gmail.com
> realdelete=no
> folderfilter = lambda foldername:    foldername in ['[Google Mail]/All
> Mail', '[Google Mail]/Sent Mail']
> nametrans = lambda foldername:  re.sub('^\[Google Mail\]/All Mail$', 'all',
> re.sub('^\[Google Mail\]/Sent Mail$', 'sent',foldername))
> sslcacertfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
> remotepass = *********
> I logged into Gmail and set the imap option on.
> I also went to the section on adding app passwords and entered offlineimap
> as the app and got it to produce a password for it which I entered in the
> remotepass line above.
> I then ran the offlineimap command:
> mikef@rhinoceros:~$ offlineimap
>  OfflineIMAP 6.3.4
> Copyright 2002-2011 John Goerzen & contributors.
> Licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ (v2 or any later version).
> Account sync mikefGmail:
>  ***** Processing account mikefGmail
>  Copying folder structure from Gmail to Maildir
>  Establishing connection to imap.gmail.com:993.
>  ***** Finished processing account mikefGmail
> I then thought that might be working ie downloading copies of emails from
> my gmail account on to my PC here.
> In /home/mikef directory I have a Mail folder and now a .offlineimap
> directory (there are other files and directories not listed here):
> drwx------  2 mikef mikef  4096 Jan  5 13:02 Mail
> drwx------  4 mikef mikef  4096 Feb  8  2016 .mozilla
> drwxr-xr-x  2 mikef mikef  4096 Feb  8  2016 Music
> drwx------  5 mikef mikef  4096 Jan  7 11:54 .offlineimap
> The .offlineimap directory contains the following directories
> root@rhinoceros:/home/mikef/.offlineimap# ls
> Account-mikefGmail  lock  pid  Repository-Local
>  Repository-MichaelFothergillGmail
> If you move into these directories there further ones underneath.
> The /home/mikef/Mail directory is empty......
> My question is this:
> If the email download process was actually occurring  where would the file
> created with them in it be located?
> I thought it would sit in the /home/mikef/Mail directory but it does not
> seem to be there.
> Suggestions on this are welcome.
> Regards
> Michael Fothergill

Below is a minimal, working .offlineimaprc file for offlineimap 6.3.4 in jessie.
I suggest you start with this and then tune it to suit your needs.

# Adapted from /usr/share/doc/offlineimap/examples/offlineimap.conf.minimal

accounts = Gmail

[Account Gmail]
localrepository = LocalGmail
remoterepository = RemoteGmail

[Repository LocalGmail]
type = Maildir
localfolders = ~/Mail/gmail

[Repository RemoteGmail]
type = Gmail
remotehost = imap.gmail.com
ssl = yes
remoteuser = *****************
remotepass = *****************

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