On Saturday, January 7, 2017 9:04:27 AM CET Joe wrote:
> Is the screen truly off? If you look at it from unusual angles, can you
> see any faint sign of the correct display?

I've further investigated what's going on, and yes, the screen is truly off--
i.e. the backlight is completely off.

First an introduction. Screen brightness can be adjusted writing in "/sys/
class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness" a value between 0 and 
max_brightness, in my case 1388. 

This value gets copied in "/sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/
actual_brightness". Ultimately the brightness of the screen is decided by 
"actual_brightness", but you can't write directly to that file.

When you switch off the backlight with "sleep 1 && xset dpms force off", the 
value in "brightness" doesn't change (for instance it remains equal to 1388), 
while only the value in /actual_brightness" is set to 0.

Now, regarding my analysis, I've done it with the help of the usual ssh. When 
the screen is off, as I said this means that "actual_brightness" is 0, while 
"brightness" can be any value (0, 1388, 694, whatever), depending on the 
specific situation, but this is not relevant. Now, if I hibernate the system, 
and then resume it, what I find with ssh is that "brightness" is 1388, but 
"actual_brightness" is still 0, meaning the screen is indeed off.

It's not possible to directly change the value in "actual_brightness", and in 
contrast to the usual behaviour, changing the value in "brightness" has no 
effect on "actual_brightness". As said in my previous posts, also "xset -
display :0 dpms force on" doesn't change the value in "actual_brightness".

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