
I'm not really sure how to phrase my question - or search for the
answers I know I've seen here ...

I quite often find myself wanting to know about package that I think
were, or should be, in debian, but for some reason they're not. Since
they're not there, the packages page can't find them.

Sometimes they've been dropped, sometimes they've never made it in - but
it would be nice to know the reasons why.

I know there is at least one page that has some of that kind of info; it
has been mentioned on this list within the last month or two, but on a
thread about something else.

At the moment, I'm particularly interested in why there seem to be many
modules for the perl Dancer framework, but mostly not the corresponding
ones for the more current Dancer2 rewrite. libdancer2-perl itself is
there, but not the corresponding modules for authentication, sessions
etc. Of course, this may not be recorded anywhere, if nobody's even
expressed a wish for these.

Any hints?


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