I downloaded netinst AMD 64 bits and made an installation on a laptop today.
I believe it was
I choose 64 bit install (that's for a uefi laptop  [with no more csm]
and that's was about the sixth distro iso I tried)
and that's was the first one to work (except for erfind and gparted).

Anyway, when it came time to choose a mirror, I tried 6 or 7 in Canada
(where I am) and 6 or 7 in
USA, none was working. Ctrl-Alt-F4, did show, a wget ... | grep
^something, then a message that
no valid jessie image was found on the server. I am sorry, it is not very clear.

I finished installation, then added a /etc/source.list for stable with
main contrib non-free, and then was able
after apt-get select, to do a sudo tasksel.

So I got around but still, wanted to share that something seems to go wrong.

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