On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 09:27:17AM -0500, Boyan Penkov wrote:
> I am trying to use reportbug to file a bug report.
> However, my .zshrc contains "alias edit='emacsclient -c -s
> /tmp/emacs1000/server", as I have an emacs session running and would like
> to be able to use "edit file.txt" in the terminal to spawn a connection to
> emacsclient.
> Ok, fine -- what's the workaround?

Set your PATH to include a directory under your control, e.g. $HOME/bin, such
that it has precedence over the standard paths, and put a script 'edit' in
there which launches emacs as you wish (probably prefixed with 'exec' and
suffixed with "$@". Use this approach instead of shell aliases.
Don't forget to set it +x

Jonathan Dowland
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