On 1/15/2017 3:26 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
And any drive thats 10 years old & maybe even some newer ones are
desperately in need of being pulled out, and any covers that are
blocking good access to the carriage drive screw, need to be uncovered
for a serious cleaning with alcohol or even acetone so that no debris or
solidified grease can be found on the screw, followed by a pebble of
lithium chassis grease worked back into the groove of the screw.  Put it
back together & back into the computer. It the q-tip isn't too dirty,
wipe a thin film of grease on the rails the head carriage slides on, but
more likely it would get a fresh & some clean grease. It might work
another for another ten years!

Cheers, Gene Heskett

Just curious if you looked at the 'ufiformat' command.

-- john

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