On 01/16/17 20:17, rlhar...@oplink.net wrote:
I wish to rename the directory "/backup" to "/backup.new".

/ is on a 452G partition with 54% in use.
/ is owned by root.
/backup is owned by normal user "rh".

The command "$ mv /backup/ /newbackup/" fails with " cannot move ...
Permission denied".

The command "# mv /backup/ /newbackup/" fails with "cannot move ... Device
or resource busy".

No application and no terminal window is looking at / or at /backup .

What am I overlooking?

It's probably a permissions issue.

Please paste this command into a terminal (as any user) and then paste the command and output into a reply:

$ ls -d -l / /backup

Have you set ACL's, SELinux, or any such thing?


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