On 21 January 2017 at 19:43, Rafael Lauda <rafaella...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Good Afternoon,
> My name is Rafael Lauda and I’ve tried time and time again to install a
> dual boot Debian on my MacBook Pro 9,1. I have installed rEFInd on my
> MacBook Pro, and I have installed the iso image for Debian 8.7.1 1 onto a
> DVD-R. When the computer is turned on the dvd does not show. I had also
> partitioned space on the hard drive as well. I don’t want to settle for
> another Distro, I want to install Debian as I feel it is the best Distro
> currently using the Linux kernel. I’m not the most tech savvy but I have
> been putting the effort into becoming more computer literate. Any and all
> help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for making a
> wonderful Distro and with any help you may have for me.
​Greetings.  I run a dual boot system with debian, gentoo and windows 10 on
different partitions.  I would suggest a couple of things.  When you say
that the DVD does not seem to be recognised when you boot up the computer,
I am assuming that you mean that the bios is not attempting to read the DVD
and boot from it.

If that this the case then you need to play with the bios on your Mac box
to get it to boot from the debian DVD.   If you google around and seek out
some bios booting instructions for your Mac machine and experiment with it
you will be able to ​
​persuade it to go for the DVD first - before the hard drive (s) etc and
boot from it.

Once you get this to work I would suggest you try booting from a Debian
Live CD.

Then post up how you got on here on the site and suggestions on installing
the OS can be made from the vantage point of running a few diagnostic
commands concerning your disk partitions etc that would likely be suggested
by people on this list.


MIchael Fothergill

> Best Regards,
> Rafael Lauda

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