On Wed 01 Feb 2017 at 14:13:00 +0000, Roba wrote:

> reaching CUPS, as I should be able to, is the problem, not printing
> (that is a personal problem).

It gives you a way of setting up the printer without the web interface.

> Again, your help (Brian) is appreciated but it seems as the problem and
> the reason I am bringing it up here is not just to solve my own printer
> problem, as this I brought into myself last year by buying a cheap
> printer with no linux support.
> Let's say I buy another printer with linux drivers available, would CUPS
> be reachable.  To sum it up, there are others out there with Debian
> upgrade to testing that experienced the same and although they pin point
> the problem to /etc/hosts PARANOIA I have not been able to do the same
> as I can not find the correct syntax for making exceptions.

/etc/hosts has nothing to do with /etc/hosts.allow (which was mentioned

> LYNX did not work, same unreachable response (wow it is still alive?)
> I will not try to rename ~/.mozilla as I already said that I created a
> new user and started ff from scratch new - no-plugins  No difference.
> Running browser as root did not reach.  I am suspecting a more serious
> problem than it appears.
> Here is another output if that helps:
> $ ping
> PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.015 ms
> $ ping
> ping: Name or service not known

The last command will fail for 100% of users.

Please post the outputs of

  systemctl status cups


  netstat -tulpan


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