On 2017-02-15, Michael Siemmeister <m.siemmeis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> This is the first time I am writing to a Debian mailing list.
> Therefore I don't really know whether or not this is the right place
> for this mail. Please tell me if not. I want to report the following
> problem.

Welcome to the list.

> Last week I tried to install Debian in a virtual-box. Currently I use
> Debian 8.7 for running the virtual-box program. I managed to install
> Debian stable without any problems. Then I cloned the virtual-box and
> tried an upgrade to Debian-testing. I think, it worked. After a while
> I shut down the virtual-machine. When trying to reboot, it did not
> start properly. I just got some messages like 'Created slice User
> Slice of Debian-gdm.', 'Starting User Manager ofr UID 117.', and
> finally 'Started Daily apt activities.'. Then the virtual display just
> starts blinking. Nothing else happens. After three minutes or so the
> display freezes.
> Then I thought, okay, maybe the virtualbox program has got a bug. So,
> I downloaded the Debian-Testing-DVD-1 via jigdo-lite and copied it to
> a USB drive. I tried to install Debian-Testing on an old laptop, a
> Toshiba Satellite from 2009. Unfortunately I don' remember the exact
> model number. I had already installed Debian Stable without any
> problems on that laptop some months ago. The Debian-Testing installer
> worked fine and finally, it asked me to reboot the PC. After rebooting
> similar problems occured. There was a message about the graphics card
> and after 30 seconds the display started blinking. Nothing else
> happened.
> As I have written above these errors only occured with Debian-Testing.
> Debian-Stable worked fine on Virtualbox and the Toshiba laptop. So, I
> don't think there are some hardware problems.
> Now, the question remains, where to post this bug. I'd be glad at any help.
> Best regards,
> Michael Siemmeister

Normally one would report a bug against the Debian package (virtualbox
in this case). But since that package is about to be removed from stable
the bug report is unlikely to receive much attention. I suggest you try
the upstream repository[1] instead. If you can reproduce the problem
there, then report it using upstream's bug tracker[2].

1: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads
2: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Bugtracker



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