On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 02:46:32PM +0200, Georgi Naplatanov wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> if VurtualBox is not available in Stretch then you can use Vrtualboxe's
> repository. The project provides their own repository for Debian.
>  https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads

Yeah, that's true. At least one other denizen of this list has gone that 
way, I believe. It's definitely a fallback option if I don't like what I 
see when I put my periscope up in QEMU-land. VirtualBox was a random, 
arbitrary choice when I first started using it, so no reason I should be 
married to it, especially if Darac's instructions to migrate the disks 
work as smoothly as they look like they should. But if I have trouble 
migrating this will be the way I go.

Anyone know _why_ Virtualbox is falling out of Debian, by the way?


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