[antiX is a Linux distribution, originally based on MEPIS, which itself
is based on the Debian stable distribution. It initially replaced the
MEPIS KDE desktop environment with the Fluxbox and IceWM window
managers, making it suitable for older, less powerful x86-based systems.
Unlike Debian, antiX is "proudly systemd-free".[this quote needs a
citation] systemd does not support old hardware very well due to its
virtualization-based development.]

Although I wanted to give it a try their webpage is full of scripts and
invisible as html, their forum rejects registration without a verified
ISP IP.  Questioning their forum admin on why would he require a real IP
to participate in such a forum did not result to ANY answer.  So, I
became an anti-ANTIx fan for all that this intro implies.

> Maybe Devuan would meet your requirements of using the init system you would 
> like to use. It is not on Stretch yet but on Jessie.
> --
> Securely sent with Tutanota. Claim your encrypted mailbox today!
> 3. Mar 2017 20:21 by
>> On 2017-03-03 at 13:00, Reco wrote:
>>>     Hi.
>>> On Fri, 03 Mar 2017 07:25:13 -0500
>>> The Wanderer <>>>> > wrote:
>>>> systemd as the init system is provided by the systemd-sysv package. I
>>>> have that package pinned to never install in /etc/preferences:
>>>> Package: systemd-sysv
>>>> Pin: version *
>>>> Pin-Priority: -1
>>>> but this doesn't seem to be entirely effective in some cases, for
>>>> reasons I've given up on trying to track down; still, it may be making a
>>>> difference.
>> I want to correct the record on this. When I wrote the above, I was
>> conflating multiple cases. What I have seen be ineffective is previous
>> pins, no longer present, against libpam-systemd and related packages; I
>> don't recall ever seeing anything try to install systemd-sysv in
>> violation of this pin.
>> (There are enough legitimate complaints against the systemd ecosystem;
>> there's no need to hurt the case against such things by throwing in
>> baseless complaints on top of them.)
>>> You may want to try somewhat different approach then:
>>> Package: systemd-sysv
>>> Pin: release a=stable
>>> Pin-Priority: -1
>> I've noted this for later reference; if I ever see the
>> trying-to-install-packages-pinned-at--1 behavior again, I'll try that
>> variant.
>> -- 
>>    The Wanderer
>> The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
>> persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
>> progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

 "The most violent element in society is ignorance" rEG

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